Books books books: early on when my first baby (who's now somehow seven?!) was born, I made a promise to myself that whenever he asked me to read a story, or held a book up to me pleadingly, I'd always stop whatever I was doing and sit down and read with him.
And now I'm a mum of three with endless work deadlines and homework demands and meals to cook and Whatsapps to answer and and and... I still try to follow this pledge but sometimes life intervenes!
I do still think that reading with the kids is one of the best ways to spend time together - even my biggest will curl into our bed with his siblings if I put on my silliest voices and read an old fave. So, when Books2Door got in touch to ask if I'd like to pick out a book collection or two to read together, I couldn't refuse!My four-year-old is learning to read but not super enthusiastic about it - I think having an older brother who can already do it, and pretty much always has his nose in a book, makes him frustrated he still has to put the building blocks of reading into place. But the Usborne: My First Reading Library from Books2Door has really caught his imagination.
The second package of books we were super excited to read is another Usborne classic (I love their books) - the First Encyclopaedia range, which again is really good value at £44 for eight fact-STUFFED hardback books, covering history (including child-friendly narratives on wars, the pyramids, and ancient civilisations), the human body, space, nature and far more. My son now daily chirps up with 'did you know...' gems gleaned from these books which he's not put down since first receiving them. They're packed with pictures and really well-written with clear explanations of some of the super-hard questions he daily stumps me with.
One of the big discount book sites disappeared during the pandemic and I've really missed the option of stocking up on reasonable, great reads for the kids and for party bags too: now I've found Books2Door I'll be checking in regularly on all of its stock.
* Thanks to B2D for sending us some reads to try out their site.
The @books2dooruk service is absolutely amazing as it is so easy to order and the items were delivered so fast too! There is also such an incredible selection of books, which would make amazing gifts now that Christmas is fast approaching! 📚
#books2door #books2dooruk #bookstagram #booksbooksbooks
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