run out of womb

... learning how to be a mum from scratch

Saturday, 30 May 2015

The best apps for easy peasy baby nostalgia

During the two weeks between leaving work and giving birth, I went on a lot of shopping sprees. One of them was a scrapbook spree - a big book, cool papers, stickers etc that I'd use to document the babba's first few months. The contents of that Hobbycraft bag are now staring forlornly at me, unopened. I'll get round to it one day ... But in the meantime, I've had lots of fun making nostalgic memories of these early days in another, easier way: on my phone.

Apps mean you can collate your baby's first moments into cool videos and long-lasting memories using just one thumb - whilst breastfeeding, half-napping or just relaxing. That's my kinda nostalgia. 

Here are the ones I've found best:

1SEImagine a movie that includes every day of the the first year (or whole!) of your baby's life. That's what the 1 second everyday app lets you do - it's a visual diary with one snippet from each day, and I've been doing it from birth. It's actually the first app I've ever paid for - only £2 and so worth it. It's fun picking the moment of each day - first bath, a particularly cute roaring session, feeding, etc. At the end of the year, you have a 7-minute video that's just short enough to keep everyone's attention. This guy's version is amazing:

Magisto: an easy peasy video editing app, where you select up to 10 photos and videos, it turns them into arty, cool short films with great soundtracks that make it seem like you spent hours putting them together..

Lifecake: an easy way to save all the photos, videos, stories and milestones of your children, from the phones/cameras of you, your partner, family and others, in one private and organized place. It turns them into a chronological timeline for you too.

With Moment Garden you can easily make your own baby journal - record pictures, first smile, giggle, meal - etc. The journal is private but you can invite friends and family to have access. And Peekaboo Moments does a similar job - it's like an online scrapbook. Both are free to download. 

If you've found any other great ones, please comment below.



  1. Love these. I also set up an email address for my LO and send her pics and memories every week.

  2. I adored this article. Amazing!


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