run out of womb

... learning how to be a mum from scratch

Friday 13 May 2016

Space Cot: the rocket-powered super-fast travel cot

A few months back I introduced you to the Space Cot - a travel cot made by dad/rocket scientists who couldn't believe how complicated it was to build an on-the-move baby bed. So they made their own. 

It all sounded very promising - the claim that it would fold and unfold in 3 seconds, weigh 6kg, fold away small, and pop into a carry-bag. But all baby companies make such claims. 

And some things I've bought (I'm looking at YOU, baby beach tent) have never fitted in their container, ever again. But now I've tried out the Space Cot. And it really is that easy to open and close. 

Here I am doing it without reading any instructions, in .. OK more than three seconds but not much more. If you can ignore my socks in this video, you're going to be wowed by this travel cot pop-up-and-sleep mechanism. And you're gonna love it even more when you're knackered, arrive at a holiday pad super-late, have a kid who's super grumpy, and don't want to grapple with buttons and gizmos and a 50kg travel cot (this one weighs the same as a three-month-old baby). 

So here goes:

* This post was written in collaboration with Space Cot, but rest assured Run Out of Womb is seriously gobby and would never rave about anything unless it's rave-worthy.

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