run out of womb

... learning how to be a mum from scratch

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Mothers' day gift edit

Mothers' Day Gift Guide
I've heard people (one of whom *may* be the other grown up living in my house) suggest mothers' day (and Valentine's day) are 'silly' because we should celebrate our mums / lovers every day of the year. And we should. But we don't. Because it's all too easy to forget how fab people are - whether it's that frantic phone call to your mum when you're worried about a kiddo's rash, or you're just plain knackered and they come round to give you a few hours off, or they support you from afar.

I also *definitely* didn't fully appreciate how much my parents did for me and how fab they are until I became a parent. So I think mothers' day is a fab opportunity to say: thank you, you're great... and here's a present to let you know I love you.

And if I happen to be a mama too and happen to think some of these things would be lovely addition to our house, maybe I'll leave this page open on a certain someone's phone... And I suggest you do too, at least until the babes/kids get their own pocket money or creative know-how to make something beautifully splodgy just for you.

Here's our edit of  nine fab mothers' day gifts:

1) A nice twist on the mama sweater that everyone has - I love everything on A Finer Thread's website, especially this beautiful embroidered T - really simple, but lovely and the quality is fab.

2) Twinning is basically the reason you had kids, right? OK maybe not the whole reason, but these 'You are my sunshine' / 'sunshine' Ts make a fab outfit for mamas and girl or boy babes.

3) and 9) Succulents make even the most toy-strewn room look grown-up and on-trend and this Mini Colour Block Concrete Pot (only £8 but you'll def want more than one) is the best way to display them.

4) This personalised, wooden album is packed with pages for photos, messages and more - fill it up for top brownie points, or hand it over for a crafty project.

5) Yup, it's a dishwasher. I've just got this amazing Miele one from and you might think that sounds like a terrible present. But it's given me the gift of more time - AO's experts installed it in under half an hour, and it's making life so much easier - no more Marigolded hours at the sink after every meal dealing with Weetabix'd bowls etc - just chuck it all in, rock hard stains and all, and everything comes out sparkling. And all the extra hours I now have to work  browse Instagram... Giving white goods is now officially a loving thing in this household - I've become one of those people who's all evangelical about AO and my dishwasher..

6) Flowers are always nice but I really love Bloom & Wild's because they're posted, waiting for you on the doorstep, and you get to have a bit of creativity arranging them but also get instructions.. It's a bit like colouring in, but you get a beautiful corner of your house at the end of it.

7) Raybans. A pricey present from Mr ROOW a few years ago that I wear every day of any holiday and every second the sun sneaks out at home, and very, very often if tiny man or his tiniest brother mean I haven't slept for more than three hours' straight for errr years.

8) If you're going down the personalised jewellery route, I love Merci Maman's necklaces - and they're so sweet they even add a name if you have another babe, for free. 

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