run out of womb

... learning how to be a mum from scratch

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Get stuffed: best baby storage

Seconds after I gave birth to tiny man he began rapidly building up an enormous wardrobe. And now, six months on, a combination of amazingly generous gifts, lots of hand-me-downs, and too many visits to Brent Cross by his mama mean my son's range of shoes, dungarees, socks, and generally cute outfits vastly beats mine ... and my husband's combined. 

But whilst we have two big Ikea wardrobes and drawers plus under-bed clothes storage in our bedroom, tiny man has a single chest of drawers. His nursery is shared with a bureau holding all of our files and papers, and a cupboard storing all of our crockery - it used to be a study/dining room and in our London flat every room now has at least 17 purposes.

So we needed more storage, but didn't have a whole lot of space. I looked for a solution in the obvious place - Ikea - but its nursery furniture is pretty boring and barely durable. Then I found something great in a surprising place: the chic baby store JoJo Mamam Bébé, which I associate with super-cute rompers and lovely print anoraks and sleep suits. But on a visit to its website I found JoJo has really practical storage cubes, where you can build a shape to suit the space and pick the colour of the fabric drawers. 

I went for the blue and red ones above - but these natural hues are lovely too:

or you can opt for fuschia and blue colours. 

The drawers were so easy to build - you do each wooden cube separately, with each one taking me 10 minutes, and needing nothing more than a screwdriver - before popping the fabric drawer inside. And they hold loads too. In our nursery, one is full of towels and sleeping bags, another has toys, another slings and travel kit, and the other has all of tiny man's summer clothes. 
My favourite thing is that you can stack them on top of each other, alongside each other, or have an individual drawer. So I'm going to put two of my cubes whose contents aren't used every day (summer gear and travel kit) under tiny man's cot to save space. They're cheap too - £25 for the cube and £6 for the fabric drawers - so I really recommend them for nursery storage which will be useful all over the house for years to come.

* Item sent to Run Out of Womb for review. Rest assured, though, that I'm seriously gobby and would never rave about something that was rubbish.


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