Number two is... Comotomo silicone teether. I'm not going to sh*t on Sophie: the famous giraffe does great stuff in our home for tiny man to chew on as we have meals. But this teether is a fave too: easy to grip, easy to wash, and apparently very soothing as it keeps the red-faced dribbling one quiet for a fair whack of time.
Number four is... Our whole flat is a baby explosive zone (jumperoo in the corridor, bouncer and chair in the kitchen, bumbo in the lounge, tiny socks kicked off everywhere) and the bath is no different: squirtable whales hang out with floating books and spill out everywhere. But the bath is also the one place I love to relax - so am grateful that this Munchkin baby bath toy organiser lies flush across the bath at one end (as far as possible from my head..) and neatly contains all the paraphernalia. Or as neatly as a squirtable whale can be contained. And during baby bath time, it stops them reaching the taps/plug.*
Number five is...We're weaning. The. Food. Flies. Everywhere. But this huge-coverage bib from JoJo keeps the tiny man's clothes clean, at least. Shame they don't make one in adult-size for me.
Number six is... Mothercare XXS buggy. Wrote about it at length here - but can't list my current favourite things without a mention for this ultra compact foldable buggy.*
Number seven is.... Tesco Nappies. Never thought I'd see an absorbent wad of wee-container as one of my favourite things, but after six months of Pampers we switched to Tesco's. Half the price and just as good: top marks.
Number eight is... Petit Bateau dungarees. True to their Parisian homeland, these dungarees are much slimmer fitting than their Gap etc rivals - perfect for my skinny man, they're a snug winter essential.
Number nine is... Vanish. What can I say? We're going through a lot of poo-namis at the moment...
* Sent to Run out of Womb for review. Rest assured, though, that I'm seriously gobby and would never rave about something that's rubbish.
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