run out of womb

... learning how to be a mum from scratch

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Win! Pick your own boutique baby outfit

Back in the day, baby boy clothes used to be boring. The girls had all the fun with prints and skirts and cute Ts; the boys got jeans and a jumper. But now designers have upped their game. There are plenty of amazing outfits for tiny boys - yet there is still a problem: they're often not very practical. I love the tiny Aran jumper I bought for my baby and amazing (second-hand, obv) cashmere stripey leggings... But the sweater is impossible to get over his head without a roar, and the leggings fall off. No wonder my husband always wants him to wear a baby-grow.

So I was happy to come across clothing brand TutaKids at the Baby Show earlier this month. They specialise in funky but practical outfits for babas and children - and even put together lookbooks to help with outfit-planning. My tiny man is currently sporting this outfit:

where the "jeans" (actually soft pants) and top are secretly joined so, unlike normal combos, he doesn't have to chillily expose his tummy to the world every time I pick him up.

And there's some even better news about TutaKids' clothes: they're giving Run Out of Womb readers the chance to win a baby outfit of your choice, worth £45. Which means you can choose between...

This baby coral and white houndstooth babysuit (long sleeved t-shirt at the top and woven shorts at the bottom)... Or the baby coral velvet one on the right with houndstooth details, a bag applique on the side and reversible beret  too...

Or this baby jersey and woven babysuit with a red, black checked shirt on top and black jersey at the bottom,... Or, on the right, the baby navy jersey babysuit with blue patterns...

Or this baby pink puffy coat with fur to protect your little one from tough weather conditions in style, or on the right is a sweatshirt with a cat appliqued on the front and shiny studs on the sleeves...
.. or these bordeaux overalls with matching bow-tie... or the bear baby suit that my tiny man loves.

You can see more details on these outfits and browse the Tutakids store here. And enter for the chance to win an outfit of your choice, worth up to £45, below.
NB by entering this competition, your email address will be shared with Tutakids, unless you opt out by sending your details and the words 'please don't share my info' to me via the 'contact me' form here

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. My friends little girl!


  2. My neighbours little girl!!! She is only 4 weeks old, so adorable

  3. My beautiful Great Niece due soon :)

  4. My twin babies due on Christmas day :-) x

  5. My new grandchild due next year x

  6. Our baby boy we are expecting in February!

  7. My cheeky son who lives in babygros due to his comfort obsessed mummy!

  8. My cheeky son who lives in babygros due to his comfort obsessed mummy!

  9. For my niece due in February x

  10. My great-nephew/great-niece who will be joining us next year. :) :D Thanks for the chance. :)

  11. My baby when it is born in April x

  12. My daughter who is due on 3 December :-)

  13. I'd be dressing dressing my 6 months old Princess :)

  14. I'd be dressing dressing my 6 months old Princess :)

  15. My friends new daughter,who i think i'll be asked to be god mother to

  16. It would have to be for my son for his first Christmas Day!! I'm so excited I could burst!

  17. baby Jessica born last day of August 5 weeks prem

  18. My little nephew (who hasn't made his debut yet)!

  19. My son, it would be lovely to have a special outfit for his first Christmas

  20. Perfect for my baby Granddaughter :D

  21. My little nephew who is due any day now!

  22. My little girl! she is my princess love that i can now do Girly.. after having 3 boys previously x

  23. I would dress either my new grandson or the new baby to arrive in April thank you for the opportunity

  24. My lovely niece she would look gorgeous in their clothes.

  25. My little peanut who is due soon!

  26. My great niece who will be 3 months old soon

  27. My Daughter who is nearly 7 weeks old x

  28. wow! fabulous giveaway. fingers crossed!!!

  29. My sister is expecting so would be for my new nephew

  30. my new twin nieces born at the weekend x

  31. Maria Jane Knight18 November 2015 at 09:24

    My brand new nephew Harry.

  32. my baby who is due on Christmas Day :)

  33. I would dress my baby niece in one of these gorgeous outfits!

  34. My friend has a granddaughter who is expecting in December so it would be for the great grandson.

  35. My step daughter just had a baby last month so it would be for her!

  36. I would give it to a work mate for her little one

  37. my friends baby boy who is due mid-december

  38. My baby granddaughter, 8 months old in November


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