run out of womb

... learning how to be a mum from scratch

Friday, 13 June 2014

Breakfast in a glass

Seven is the new five. The old five-a-day rule for fruit 'n' veg (or five-a-week, as one of my less healthy colleagues calls it) has been upgraded. Since you can buy blenders for a tenner, juice seemed like an easy way to whack a few extra vitamins into the bloodstream, and breakfast the best way to do it.

 But then along came the food army's War on Sugar too, so in a bid to make a juice that keeps us away from the doctor (and dentist), this recipe came to be. Yes, it has some scarily healthy ingredients in it (kale and spinach, I'm looking at you), but you can't taste them as the pineapple brings so much natural sweetness. It's filling and enough for an entire breakfast (although for a brunch this weekend we added bowls of Greek yoghurt, honey  and berries - close your eyes and you could almost be at the breakfast buffet on holiday.)
Slurp slurp.

Ingredients (makes two generous glasses or three small ones)

Big handful of raw spinach leaves
Big handful of raw kale 
Quarter of pineapple
One apple, chopped into chunks and core removed
One pear, quartered and core removed
Half a cup of water

Mix all ingredients in a blender, juj it up (add extra water if you prefer it thinner), drink and enjoy.


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