run out of womb

... learning how to be a mum from scratch

Friday, 13 June 2014

Very posh biscuits

I blame the champagne. An evening's biscuit-decorating at the Icing Cafe of Notting Hill store The Biscuiteers sounded relaxing and easy. Kids-work, no? Well, turns out even icing a straight line isn't all that easy - it was an evening of scrunched-up faces and serious concentration - but it was also fun.

No recipes in this post - we were handed ready-cut biscuit shapes by the Biscuiteers, and had a brilliant teacher to help us create a box of London-themed cookies. If you want to try this at home, first ice the outline of your design, then leave it to dry until hard (baking in a 50 degree-oven accelerates the process), before filling the lines with slightly more watery icing sugar (the Biscuiteers use an egg-white, icing sugar, water combo). When that's all dry - and it'll take longer - you can re-ice the final biscuit with more fine detail.

Outlining Big Ben

Can you guess what it's going to be...

A taxi cab

Serious concentration...

Victoria helps out with a tricky postbox 

Victoria's biscuits - she was pretty glad her parents had the foresight to give her the same name as a Tube station

And mine. 

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