run out of womb

... learning how to be a mum from scratch

Friday, 13 June 2014

Roasted aubergine and mango with soba noodles and tahini dressing

The stir-fry is my lazy-day dish. For those days when you're too knackered to even open Epicurious let alone scour the barren shelves of Tesco seeking out its 50 ingredients. Yeah, it's a ready meal, but a packet of baby vegetables stirred together with some straight-to-wok noodles and a dash of chilli and teriyaki is far from a guilt-meal. This dish is a bit more effort than the usual stir fry - in fact its ingredients are roasted, whizzed and boiled rather than stirred - but for evenings when you've got some spare energy and want something fresh, zingy and healthy, try a bit of this.

It's from a new delicious cookbook called Honestly Healthy for Life (don't let the virtuous title put you off, this is no Goop-job), although I tweaked it a little to take out some oil and add soba noodles - the original called for black rice noodles, and I'm not sure where you get them, but can say it's not Finchley Tesco.

Ingredients - serves four

Dressing: 3 tablespoons tahini, 1 clove garlic, 2.5 tablespoon soy sauce, 2 tablespoon sesame or other oil, 3 tablespoons water, few sprigs of coriander

Veg: two cubed aubergines, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 finely-cut red onion, teaspoon chopped ginger, handful chopped coriander, pinch of salt

250g soba noodles
1 large mango, chopped and cubed
handful chopped coriander (yes another one!)
half a lemon
optional garnish: sesame seeds, chilli flakes


Whizz all the dressing ingredients in a blender
Roast the aubergine and onion, covered with the ginger, olive oil, coriander and salt, at 180 degrees for 20-30m or until browned and juicy
Boil the noodles (about 5m) then drain 
To serve: plate up the noodles, coat with the aubergine, then sprinkle the mango and coriander, and a squeeze of lemon, on top, and generously drizzle the dressing over the whole dish


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